The Privacy Sandbox is a new initiative by Google that intends to restrict the amount of user information exchanged with outside apps and make it more challenging for advertisers to profile consumers for individualized advertising. The project is multi-year in scope and will require significant investment from the company.

We’re launching today a multi-year project to create an Android privacy sandbox with the intention of offering new, more private advertising solutions. These solutions will specifically restrict the sharing of user data with outside parties and don’t use advertising ID or other cross-app identifiers.

Google is introducing a new privacy feature called the Privacy Sandbox that will restrict an app’s ability to track users. Additionally, Google is considering fresh approaches to support mobile advertising while upholding user privacy.

Google has announced that it will no longer allow advertisements on its platform that use tracking technology that is currently used by developers and advertisers. The company claims that these broad approaches are ineffective and that other platforms have taken a different approach to advertisements privacy, simply prohibiting current technology. ..

Android’s “privacy sandbox” is an effective way to ensure that consumers know their information is safe, and that developers and businesses have the tools to succeed on mobile.

Google plans to keep its ad platform running for at least two more years, but offers valuable notice ahead of future changes to developers. By the end of the year, a beta version of the framework will be available.