Public relations manager Pavel Křižka of Bohemia Interactive said that while the game is realistic, it could be mistaken for real combat material and used as war propaganda. “It has happened in the past (Arma 3 videos allegedly showed conflicts between Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine and even India and Pakistan), but today this content is about Ukraine,” he said. ..

Platform providers (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) have been ineffective in combating the spread of fake news. This is because new videos are uploaded every day and it is difficult to take down content. The best way to combat this is to work with major media outlets and fact-checkers. These outlets have a wider reach and are better equipped to identify fake news. ..

Since February, more videos have surfaced purporting to show Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But as Krishka said, this has been going on for a long time. For example, in September 2021, an Indian news channel used Arma 3 footage to claim that Pakistan bombed Afghanistan (opens in new tab). And in May of the same year, to claim Israeli air defenses. ..

An alleged video of an Arma 3 airstrike has been published. This clip, from Russian state media, was discovered as Arma 3. In September 2018, Russian state media showed a clip of Arma 3 from the Russian Su-25 aircraft allegedly attacking a military convoy. This phenomenon is so common that an entire section is devoted to it on the Arma 3 Wikipedia page.

Arma 3’s Steam Workshop section is full of user-generated content, including Ukrainian and Russian cosmetics, models, and conflict scenarios. This player-made material coexists with everything from unofficial Star Wars assets and importable T-Rexes to Warhammer Fantasy mods. ..