1. Open a new Google Docs window.
  2. Type “Google Meet” in the address bar and click on the link.
  3. A new window will open with the following settings:
  4. Type “conference” in the address bar and click on the link to join a conference call with other collaborators from around the world.

Steps to access Google Meet from Google Docs

You can start a Google Meet by opening a document, spreadsheet, or slideshow. Click the Google Meet button on the top right of the screen. Select “Start a new Meeting.” ..

If you want to join a Google Meet meeting, you can easily paste the meeting URL into an email or chat message.

As participants join the meeting, you’ll be prompted to admit them to the meeting.

You can see the participant tiles in the sidebar by clicking on them.

Final Words

If you’re looking to access Google Meeting from Google Docs, be sure to use the free web-based application, Google Docs. This application is a great way to create, edit, and store documents.