Your employees, network, and data are at risk if your passwords are simple to guess.

  1. Create a strong password using a mix of different words and characters.
  2. Use unique passwords for each account and website.
  3. Keep your passwords updated with new security features and updates.

5 tips to create a strong password

Be unique

Never use the same password for multiple accounts. It’s not a good habit to form, and even while using the same password across multiple accounts is simpler, Glenn warned that if it is compromised, the consequences might be far worse. ..

Be lengthy

Experts now advise users to create passwords of at least 13 to 20 characters in order to safeguard themselves from the increasing number of sophisticated password-cracking software programs. ..

Password strength isn’t personal

It is important that you protect yourself from hackers by using common, safe names, birthdates, and other information that can be easily accessed by anyone. This will help to keep your personal information safe and protected from unauthorized access.

Special characters in passwords

Some online accounts don’t allow you to use any special characters in your passwords, so you may need to find a different way to protect yourself.

Don’t recycle your passwords

In recent years, there have been a number of data breaches that have involved more important accounts like your bank account. These breaches are more serious because they involve the data of people who are really important to the company or organization.

If you have an account with a fitness app that is also used for a bank account, your data may be compromised. If the password for your fitness app account is also the password for your bank account, your data could be at risk.

Final Words

To create a strong password, you should include the following: -Length: Make sure your passwords are at least 8 characters long. -Combination of letters and digits: Make sure your passwords include at least 6 letters and 3 digits. -Symbol: Avoid using any symbols in your passwords.