WhatsApp has made a number of new features available to the public, including the ability to upload a new status and design a unique avatar for use as a profile picture. A poll feature that WhatsApp was allegedly testing is now being made available in a stable form via an OTA update.
WhatsApp is testing a new feature called " WhatsApp Polls." This feature allows users to create polls on any subject. If you need feedback on a topic, you can use WhatsApp Polls to do so. However, the beta build of WhatsApp has now been expanded to include both Android and iOS devices. Through an OTA update, the WhatsApp Polls will be made available to all Android and iPhone users in a stable version. It might take some time for this phased rollout. Try manually updating the app from the Play Store if you can’t see the Polls option in your WhatsApp app, or just wait a little while. We have mentioned steps below to create WhatsApp polls on Android and iOS devices.
Steps to create WhatsApp poll on Android and iOS
Open WhatsApp and type in the following: “WhatsApp, your secure messaging service”
In an effort to stay organized and efficient, it can be helpful to have a chat with each individual or group member frequently. This way, you can easily find the person or group you need to talk to and get started on your work.
Please enter a valid question.
The Poll option at the bottom of the page will now allow you to see all of the options available on the page, like Location, Contact, and others.
Please ask a question in the ‘Ask question’ area. Voting will help us to improve our content and ensure that all questions are answered.
You can add up to 12 options for voting.
The poll results will be sent to you.
Final Words
To make a WhatsApp poll on Android or iOS, first create a new account and password. Then open the app and sign in with your account information. Once you’re logged in, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will take you to your settings. In this section, you can choose how to start a poll. You can either choose to start a poll by pressing the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen or by clicking on one of the following buttons:
- Polls: This button opens up a list of all your polls that have been created so far. You can select one of them by clicking on it.
- Polls by Category: This button opens up a list of all your polls that have been created for specific categories. You can select one of them by clicking on it.
- Polls by Time: This button opens up a list of all your polls that have been created for specific times. You can select one of them by clicking on it. Once you’ve chosen how to start a poll, click on the “Create Poll” button at the bottom right corner of the main screen. Now you will be asked to provide some information about your poll such as name, category, time range, and more. After providing this information, click on “Create Poll” again and wait for instructions from WhatsApp about how to run your poll. If everything goes according to plan, WhatsApp will send you an email notification about your poll being successful!