Windows 10 allows you to run multiple virtual machines on the same hardware. This is useful if you want to give different people, groups, or services access to different systems or to avoid issues like a crash that would affect other workloads. Here are some steps to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10: ..

Steps to Disable Hyper-V in Windows 11

Press the Windows + S keys on your keyboard to search for a word in the search bar.

Type “cmd” in the search bar and press Enter. Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt. To view the list of commands that are available in the Command Prompt, type “help.” ..

To run a program as administrator, right-click the program’s icon and select Run as administrator from the list of available options. ..

The Command Prompt window will open and you can type commands to start or stop programs, change the settings of programs, and view information about programs.

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common To update your system, type: sudo apt-get update. To install new software, type: sudo apt-get install -y [package name] . To view the list of available packages, type: sudo apt-cache search [package name] . ..

Press Enter to run the command.

Your computer is not able to run Hyper-V anymore.

Final Words

Running virtualized computer systems on top of a physical host is possible with Hyper-V. Although these virtualized systems reside in a virtualized and separated environment, they can be utilised and managed exactly as if they were physical computer systems. A hypervisor is specialized software that controls access between virtual systems and physical hardware resources. Computer systems can be quickly deployed, quickly restored to a previously known good condition, and moved across physical hosts thanks to virtualization. ..