Windows will automatically examine every software you run to see if it is risky if Smart App Control is activated or in evaluation mode. If it finds the app to be dangerous, Windows will block the app and notify you. You can fix this by following the steps below. ..

Ways to Fix App and Browser Control Option Missing in Windows 11

Install the Pending Updates

Windows Settings is a dialog box that opens when you press the Windows key and the I key together. This dialog box contains a variety of settings related to your computer.

Windows Update is a feature of Windows that allows you to keep your computer up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates. ..

Windows will show you a list of pending updates, and you can either click the Update button to install them, or wait for Windows to show them.

Install the pending updates one by one and then reboot.

Delete the Relevant Folder

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer This will launch File Explorer and navigate to the location mentioned below.

Delete the folder and all its contents. Install any latest updates that might be available and then restart your PC.

Reset the Security Application

In the Windows Powershell window, type the following command: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -Property Name, Version The command will return a list of operating systems. The first column in the list is the name of the operating system, and the second column is its version number. ..

User Account Control prompts you to confirm your identity before allowing you to continue.

In the following window, type the command mentioned below and click Enter to execute it

Final words

  1. Check if the App & Browser management option is missing in Windows 11 If you are not sure of what is wrong with your computer, it may be helpful to check if the App & Browser management option is missing in Windows 11. If it is not present, you can try to find and install a new version of Windows Security software. If you are still not sure, you can also contact a computer technician to help fix your computer.
  2. Check if an out-of-date version of Windows is causing the problem If an out-of-date version of Windows is causing the problem, it may be helpful to check if an out-of-date version of Windows is present on your computer. If this is the case, you can try to update your computer to a newer version of Windows by using one of the available updates or by contacting Microsoft for assistance. If updating your computer does not solve the problem, you may need to contact a PC technician for help.
  3. Try using a broken or corruptedWindows Security software If you are using a broken or corruptedWindows Security software, it may be helpful to try using that software instead of trying to replace App & Browser control option lost in Windows 11. If this does not work, you may need to contact Microsoft for assistance in order to fix the problem.