Nintendo has acknowledged a manufacturing defect as the cause of the problem, and is offering a program to send in your Joy-Con so it can be quickly repaired and returned to you. Contact Nintendo support to take advantage of this program. If you are experiencing problems with your Joy-Con, there are several steps you can take to try and fix the issue. First, Nintendo has acknowledged that there is a manufacturing defect with some of the controllers, and has offered a program to send in your Joy-Con for repair. If you have already contacted Nintendo support about this issue, please continue following their instructions for fixing common Nintendo Switch problems. If not, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that your Joy-Con are properly charged by connecting them to the console using the included charging cable.
  2. If you have tried resetting your console and still experience issues with your Joy-Con, try removing them from the console completely and reinserting them after five minutes have passed.
  3. If all of these steps have failed to resolve the issue, please contact Nintendo customer support at 1-800-255-3700 or online at for more assistance. ..

5 Fix Common Nintendo Switch problems

My Switch won’t turn on

If your console does not turn on after following these steps, it may be necessary to take it to a Nintendo Authorized Service Provider. ..

My Pro Controller D-pad registers inputs that it shouldn’t

The Switch Pro Controller is a great option for gamers who want a more authentic experience. It has a genuine D-pad that is perfect for 2D platformers, fighters, and other games. ..

The Pro Controller’s D-pad can be difficult to use at times, as it registers inputs in the opposite direction from what you intended.

My Switch has run out of memory space

If you’re looking to expand the storage capacity of your Nintendo Switch, there are a few options available. The simplest approach is to purchase a micro SD card, which are both easy and affordable to do. Additionally, our guide on the best micro SD cards for Switch will provide instructions on how to install them. ..

My Switch is warping / bending

The screen on the Nintendo Switch is a little warped, but it’s not a flaw. You’ll probably have to put up with it if you have a significant problem (or an exceptionally forgiving vendor). It gives the console some personality, and we realise it’s annoying. To make sure the screen doesn’t scratch the plastic when you connect the console, you might also want to think about attaching a microfiber cloth to the inside face of the dock.

Switch screen is scratched

Screen protectors are a simple way to prevent scratches on your console. There are several options available, but we recommend a quality tempered glass screen protector. ..

Final Words

But there are a few problems that can crop up, and we wanted to give you some tips on how to fix them. Here are four tips for fixing common Nintendo Switch problems:

  1. Keep your console clean: The Switch is a very popular console, and it’s important that it remains clean. Not only will this help keep the console running smoothly, but it also helps to prevent any potential issues from arising.
  2. Use a dust cloth: When cleaning the Switch’s internals, be sure to use a dust cloth rather than using any harsh chemicals or solvents. This will help keep the system running smoothly and avoid any potential damage.
  3. Use an air filter: If you don’t have an air filter, you should regularly clean the Switch’s interior with a mild detergent and warm water in order to remove any built-up dirt and dust.
  4. Reset your system: If you experience any issues with your Nintendo Switch after following these tips, reset your system in order to try again (or if there is something wrong with your console).