How to Fix ‘iPhone Keeps Dis­con­nect­ing From Mac’ issue – Guide

The iPhone keeps disconnecting from the Mac all of a sudden. There could be many reasons why, but one possible reason is that the Lightning cable you are using is not certified by Apple or it may be defective. Additionally, if you are dealing with this issue, most of the time it can be difficult to charge the iPhone with the help of a Mac.

Some users don’t know it is displayed on Mac, you ask why my iPhone plays charging sound continuously with tactile vibration. This will cause the Mac or Windows system to hang, because the Mac / PC will automatically sync the device when it is enabled in Device Browser in Finder or iTunes. Some Mac users ask why my iPhone / iPad doesn’t show up in the Finder sidebar. To solve the problems, watch the video tutorial at the final of this article. ..

How to fix when iPhone keeps disconnecting from Mac

check the basics

If the iPhone battery doesn’t charge, it may be because the lightning cable is not working. To fix this, make sure the cable is plugged in to the wall outlet and try charging the iPhone again. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the lightning cable.

If you’re having trouble connecting your Mac to a USB port, it may be because the port is defective. Try connecting the lighting cable to a different port. ..

Reset location and privacy settings on iOS

If you’ve been having trouble connecting your iPhone to your Mac, it may be because you’ve forgotten to reset your location and privacy settings. Several users have said they were able to fix the issue by resetting their iOS location and privacy settings. If you’re having trouble connecting your iPhone to your Mac, it may be because you’re not using the latest security updates.

Reset Location and Privacy on your iPhone

Restart the usbdv process

To disconnect the iPhone from a Mac that has worked for many, one solution is to stop the usbd process.

To stop the usbd process, open the Terminal application in Spotlight (Command + Space) and type the command sudo killall -STOP -c usbd. This will pause the usbd process. Now plug in the USB cable and quickly turn off your iPhone. ..

If the problem persists, try unplugging the device and running the following command in Terminal: sudo killall -CONT -c usbd.

It is important to note that pausing the USB process reduces the power output from the USB port. In other words, the device will charge slower than normal, but it will not continue connecting and disconnecting from the Mac.

Reset SMC and/or NVRAM

If none of the above fixes the issue, you may need to replace the SMC. ..

If you’re having trouble getting your computer to start up, or if it’s been acting strange lately, you might want to reset its settings. This can help clear out any temporary problems and get your computer back on track. There are a few ways to do this: you can reset the computer’s NVRAM, or you can reset its operating system. ..

Final note

If you have an iPhone that keeps disconnecting from your Mac, here’s a guide on how to fix it. If you have any questions about this article, please don’t hesitate to ask us. And finally, please share this article with your friends so they can also benefit from it.