GitHub is a website where developers can share and collaborate on code. The source code for the programme is available on GitHub, which is licensed under the GPL 2.0. The programme has been around for seven years after its 2014 inception, and includes features familiar from social networks or commenting systems like Discus. To install Discourse on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, follow these steps: ..

Steps To Install Discourse on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-libc-$(uname -r) linux-doc-$(uname -r) Second, make sure that your system is booted by running the following command in the terminal. bootmisc init

docker pull docker/compose This will pull the latest version of the Docker package from the Docker Hub.

To start the docker service, run the following command: docker-compose up ..

To install discourse on Ubuntu 22.04, use the following command: sudo apt-get install discourse

Final Words

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is a cutting-edge forum solution that drives user engagement on tens of thousands of websites. You can design questions and concepts that are unique to you, and you can integrate it with well-known services.

sudo apt install wget apt-transport-https gnupg2 software-properties-common

The curl -fsSL /gpg | sudo gpg –dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg command will create a keyring file in the current directory called docker-archive-keyring.gpg.