To install VirtualBox Guest Additions on a Linux machine, first open a terminal and type the following: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions

Steps to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Linux

This is a call to action from the technology community, as we see an increasing trend of companies using virtual machines to run different versions of their software. This practice can be dangerous and time-consuming, as it can lead to confusion and inconsistency in the software. It’s time for companies to stop using virtual machines and start using real-world computers instead.

Add a new CD-ROM device to the virtual machine settings on the System tab. Change the name of the device to “C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys” and set its type to “Driver”.

The virtual machine is a powerful tool that can help you debug and test your code. But it can also be used to run other programs, including malicious ones. To restart the virtual machine, you need to use the command line or a program that runs inside the virtual machine.

ls -l /proc/sys/kernel/version

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 9 Jul 10 07:01 kernel

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) If you are using a kernel older than 3.10.0, you will need to install the linux-image-3.10.0-32768 package as well: sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.10.0-32768 ..

To reboot a virtual machine, you first need to shut it down. To do this, right-click the virtual machine in the Hyper-V Manager console and select “Shut Down.” ..

From the virtual machine menu, select Devices -> CD/DVD Devices -> Choose a virtual CD/DVD disc file. Select the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file from your computer’s hard drive. This action will install the tools on your virtual machine. ..

The VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file contains the guest additions for VirtualBox 3.5.x and earlier, and for VirtualBox 4.0 and later.

To install the VirtualBox Guest Additions, insert the CD-ROM into a virtual machine and run the following command:

VirtualBox Guest Additions install

The installation process failed.

Windows system drivers could not be installed because they were not found.

The X.Org or XFree86 Windows system could not be found. ..

After the process is complete, check if the output is similar to the one shown below. If it does, the VirtualBox Guest Additions were successfully installed.

Final Words

To install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Linux, you will need to first install the VirtualBox software. Once you have installed VirtualBox, you can then follow these steps to create a new VM:

  1. Choose the virtual machine that you want to create.
  2. Click on the “Create” button.
  3. Enter the following information into the “VM Name” field: a. Your name (e.g., linux-x86_64) b. Your operating system (e.g., Ubuntu 1604) c. The location of your hard drive (e.g., /home/username/Downloads/) d. The location of your network adapter (e.g., eth0) e. The size of your hard drive (GB) f. The amount of memory that will be used for the VM (GB) g. If you want to use a GUI installer, select “Yes” in the “Install from source” box and then click on “Next.” h If you want to use an installer from a package repository, select “No.” i Click on “Next.” j Click on “Finish.” k To exit the VM, click on “Exit.”