Although Facebook makes it easy to connect with friends or coworkers, it also contains more of your personal information than you might know. If you don’t have the proper privacy settings, a lot of that personal information could be visible to the general public. There are ways to make sure that other Facebook users can’t see your information unless you want them to, even though you have no control over the advertisers and other outside businesses that Facebook chooses to sell your information to. We have mentioned steps below to make Facebook profile private so that only people who you want to see it can see it.
Steps to make Facebook profile private
Open the Facebook app on your phone and type in “login.”
If you have an iPhone, tap on the hamburger menu in the bottom right corner of your screen. If you have an Android phone, tap on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen. ..
Privacy Checkup is a new feature that allows you to control how your data is used. ..
You can now control most aspects of your account from here, including your password, account settings, and more.
Next, tap on the person you want to share what you’ve seen.
You can share your phone number, email, birthday, address, educational information, and friends list with whomever you want.
Choose the privacy setting that best suits your needs. Then tap “Next.”
To publish content, select the “Restrict” option and then tap “Next.”
You can block other users who annoy you with spam messages and posts.
Final Words
To make your Facebook profile private, you can follow these steps:
- Log in to your Facebook account and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will take you to your settings.
- On the left side of this screen, you’ll find a section called “Privacy”. This is where you can set how public your Facebook profile is. You can choose to make it public or keep it private. If you choose to keep it private, all of your friends will still be able to see it, but they won’t be able to access any of your personal information. If you choose to make it public, all of your friends will be able to see what information is on your Facebook profile but they won’t be able to access any of your personal information.
- Click on the “Make my Facebook profile private” button and confirm by clicking on the green check mark next to it. Your Facebook profile will now be private!