The taskbar can be moved to the left, right, or top of the desktop from its default location at the bottom of the screen. It could be kept on top of other windows, locked in place, or programmed to automatically conceal. When numerous programmes are open at once, it is simple to make one current by using the taskbar. The taskbar’s icons for running programmes also act as toggle buttons that let users switch between minimized and maximized or resized window states for those programs.

Ways to Make Windows 11 Start Menu and Taskbar Look Like ChromeOS With Start11

Download and Install Start11

The Start11 download page provides a 30-day free trial to get started with the software. After downloading the installer, complete the installation by following the instructions. To activate the trial, enter your email address and confirm it.

Once Start11 is installed and up and running, it will prompt you to select from either Left aligned or Center aligned windows.

You can dismiss the popup by selecting the “Dismiss” button.

Make the Start Menu Look Like ChromeOS With Start11

To change the Windows Start Menu dark theme, we need to first change the parameter in Windows Settings. This parameter is called “Start11.” If you don’t like the default dark theme for Windows 11, you can check out some of the best Windows 11 dark themes to personalize your desktop.

To change the theme on your iPhone, navigate to Settings > Personalization > Themes and select the Current Theme option. It should be listed second on the list of available themes. ..

  1. Change the background image to a photo of your choice.
  2. Change the font and color of the text on the Start11 Home Screen and Start Menu tabs.
  3. Add any applications or shortcuts you want to appear on the Start11 Home Screen and Start Menu tabs.
  4. Change how many icons are displayed on each tab, and select which icons appear on the main toolbar (above the tabs).
  5. Select whether or not to show system notifications on the Start11 Home Screen tab, and configure how they’re displayed (e.g., as badges, as pop-ups, or both). ..

Windows 11 Style is a new design that was released in Windows 10. This style is designed to make the operating system more user-friendly and easy to use. It features a sleek, modern look and feel.

The Start11 Start Menu is a new feature in Windows 10 that lets you quickly access your most commonly used programs and features.

In the Advanced section, you can set the following: -Start Menu location: The Start Menu can be located in the system tray or in a dedicated location on your desktop. You can also place it in a specific folder. -Desktop shortcut: A desktop shortcut to the Start Menu can be created by right-clicking on the Start Menu and selecting New shortcut. The shortcut will have a name and an associated icon. -System Tray location: If you want to place the Start Menu on the system tray, you can do so by setting the  Startup Type  to System Tray.

Please show recently added apps (off).

This is a request for documents that have been recently released.

Large shortcut icons should be used (Shortcut icons). ..

In this article, I will show you how to use fullscreen menu on your computer. Fullscreen menu is a feature that allows you to have one or more windows open at the same time and control them all with one button. This is great for when you want to watch a movie or play a game in one window and work on another.

The Start menu should open showing all programs, but not the programs you want to use.

Hide folders from the recent documents list (on).

  1. Under Menu Appearance, make sure the following settings are enabled: -Menu background color: #000000 -Menu text color: #FFFFFF -Menu separator color: #000000
  2. Under Menu Appearance, make sure the following settings are disabled: -Menu border color: #000000
  3. Scroll up a bit and click Customize menu visual appearance. Make the following configuration settings:
  4. Under Menu Appearance, make sure the following settings are enabled: -Menu background color: #000000 -Menu text color: #FFFFFF -Menu separator color: #000000 2. Under Menu Appearance, make sure the following settings are disabled: -Menu border color: #000000 3. Scroll up a bit and click Customize menu visual appearance. Make the following configuration settings:-Under Background Color, select a light blue or green; under Text Color, select white; under Separator Color, select black.-Under Border Color, deselect all.-Under Background Image URL (URL), type “" ..

Windows 10’s start menu is automatically colored in a way that can be difficult to see against other colors on the screen. This can make it difficult to find and use the start menu. ..

Then click Pick color and input the following RGB values: 6, 41, 183.

Make the menu font bigger or smaller to fit the text.

Some users have complained that the menu is too transparent. This can be adjusted by changing the transparency setting in the Settings menu. ..

  1. In the “General” tab, make sure that “Enable JavaScript” is checked.
  2. In the “Security” tab, make sure that “Enable cookies” is checked.
  3. In the “Advanced” tab, make sure that “Enable frames” is checked. Now your browser should be configured to run JavaScript and cookies correctly. ..

To make your website look more professional, use a custom menu background. This will give your website a more polished look and feel. ..

Settings > Pick texture color and input the same RBG values as before: 6, 41, 183.

Make the Start Button Look Like ChromeOS With Start11

  1. Change the text to “Start11: The Windows Start Button Tab.”
  2. Add a colon (:) after the text “Start Button Tab.”
  3. Change the settings to “The Windows Start Button Tab: Configure Your Startup.”

The main point of this article is that you can use a custom start button image to make your website more visually appealing. By using a custom start button image, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

The ChromeOS app launcher is a great way to quickly access your favorite apps on your Chromebook. You can choose Arsenic Orb from the list to launch your favorite apps.

Left start button and center aligned taskbar buttons are the default options for how you want your taskbar configured. ..

 Make the Taskbar Look Like ChromeOS With Start11


  • Icon: “Taskbar”
  • Name: “Taskbar”
  • Width: 100% Now that we have the Taskbar configured, let’s personalize it. To do this, open the System Preferences and select the Taskbar tab. In the left pane, change the following options to your liking: Taskbar Icon: “Taskbar” Name: “TaskBar” Width: 100%

Start11 can help make the taskbar more useful and efficient. ..

Taskbar buttons should be combined into one button that is always active. This would make it easier to find and use the buttons, and make it more consistent across different devices.

The following configuration settings make the taskbar blur and transparency: -Taskbar blur: On -Taskbar transparency: Off

Taskbar blur: To blur the wallpaper under the taskbar, use the following command: netstat -an | grep “wallpaper”

The taskbar should be color-coded to indicate whether it is off or on.

To change the color of your text, click on the “Color” button and input the following RGB values: 6, 41, 183. ..

  1. Right click on the taskbar and select “Properties”.
  2. In the “Taskbar” tab, under “Advanced”, check the box next to “Show right-click menu in the taskbar”.
  3. Click on “OK” to save your changes. ..

Right-click on the start button and select “Show Win+X menu when right-clicking on the start button.”

Next, scroll up a bit and select More Start11 taskbar settings and ensure that the following configuration options are set: Taskbar settings:

  1. Set the taskbar to show only the most recent 10 tasks.
  2. Set the taskbar to show only the most recent 5 tasks.
  3. Set the taskbar to show only the most recent 3 tasks.

The taskbar can be resized on your computer. This will make it easier to access your favorite tools and applications.

Vertically center the taskbar buttons so that they are in the same location on the screen.

Button states should always be hidden regardless of group state. ..

Final Words

In Windows 11, the Start menu and taskbar have been updated to provide a more contemporary appearance. The centred position is easier to use and less intimidating. However, if you’ve had a Windows PC for a while and are happy with the way things have always been, you may quickly alter the Windows 11 Start menu and taskbar by using the following steps: