1. Use a tripod and hold the phone at an angle so that the fireworks are in the foreground.
  2. Use a light meter to measure the brightness of the fireworks and use that information to adjust your camera settings.
  3. Try to take pictures during peak hours, when there is less traffic and people are less likely to be around.
  4. Use natural light if possible, as fireworks often require artificial lighting to be effective.
  5. Try not to take pictures of people or pets in front of the display, as that can be difficult to control and may result in a fine or even jail time.

Ways to Capture Fireworks with Smartphone

Balance Your Composition

To create a fantastic photograph, start with a great composition. Fireworks are usually beautiful and make for good images, but you can improve a photo from good to fantastic by experimenting with the rules of composition. For example, the rule of thirds can help to create an effective and balanced image. Many Smartphones feature a setting to enable a composition grid that aids in the rule of thirds composition of your images. ..

Fireworks can be photographed in a number of ways, but one of the most popular is radial balance. This technique uses the center of each firework to create a more symmetrical image. Get closer so that each firework’s circular motion fills the entire picture. ..

Scope a Unique Location

Location is important when photographing events. If you can find a site that offers interesting vantage points, do so. Otherwise, consider how you may add intriguing foreground or background features to your pictures. It’s best to locate a site distant from the majority of the crowd.

If you want to capture the most interesting and unique photos, try to stand up high and take pictures from various perspectives. Additionally, avoid having obstacles in your way, such as people or objects in the way of your camera.

Use a Tripod

Since android smartphones lack internal stabilization hardware, they are not as stable when taking photos at night. To make sure your photos are still taken safely, use a tripod to hold your phone in place.

There are several excellent tripods available for cellphones, despite the fact that most tripods are designed with DSLRs camera in mind. In a pinch, you might lean your phone against a wall or other object for support or use a selfie stick.

Set a Timer

Setting a timer can help you eliminate shakiness in your fireworks photographs, regardless of whether you use a tripod or lean your phone against a wall. A timer provides you enough time to hold your phone firmly or leave it alone before pressing the shutter, preventing camera wobble.

To prevent shaky photos, use a tripod and timer together. This way, you can take photos without the fear of them being shaky. Selfie sticks that come with an integrated shutter release button are often the best option for avoiding shakiness. ..

Use Portrait Mode

Fireworks can be used as an elegant backdrop for photographing people or other topics, not just as the main attraction. ..

When shooting fireworks, make sure they are set off in the distance and use portrait mode to ensure your subject is sharply focused.

Final Words

To properly capture fireworks, one would need a large, capable camera and extensive photography experience. However, with a standard smartphone, one can take stunning pictures of fireworks. One must have the appropriate settings and be aware of a few tips to allow for great fireworks photos.