If you are using WhatsApp on your Android device, here are some tips to help you keep your conversations safe and free from any potential threats:

  1. Make sure you have the latest WhatsApp version installed.
  2. If you’re using a cellular connection, make sure you’re using a data-free plan or use a Wi-Fi connection instead.
  3. If someone is trying to contact you through WhatsApp while on a cellular connection, please report them to us so we can block their account and prevent them from contacting you again.

Steps to Report and Block Someone on WhatsApp on Android Devices

Open Whatsapp on your phone and start chatting with friends!

Block the contact you want to chat with.

  1. “News”
  2. “Features”
  3. “Photos”

Please enter your name.

Final Words

To protect yourself from spam calls and text messages on WhatsApp, you can use the following tips:

  1. Use a phone number that is not associated with your account.
  2. Block people who call you on your phone number.
  3. Use a messaging app that does not allow spam calls and text messages.