1. Sort By Date: Choose the date range you want to see and the sheet will show all sheets that have that date range as their first row.
  2. Sort By Name: This option lets you sort sheets by their name, which is useful if you want to find a sheet by its title or author.
  3. Sort By Type: This option lets you sort sheets by their type, such as tables, lists, or text fields.

Ways to Sort By Date in Google Sheets

Sort by date using the sort range tool

To use the sort range feature in Google Sheets, first open the sheet you want to work with. Then, click on the date range you want to use. The sheet will then show you a list of all the data that was entered for that date range. To select a data entry, simply click on it.

Sort by date using the sort function

The sort range approach is great for sorting data once, but it needs to be redone each time you update the data. The sort method, on the other hand, updates the data automatically to reflect any changes made to the original dataset. This is great for keeping track of changes over time or for sorting large datasets. ..

Final Words

Google Sheets is a great online spreadsheet tool that can be used to easily create and change spreadsheets with others. With its easy-to-use interface, you can design and format spreadsheets while working with others. Additionally, Google Sheets stores all your changes automatically, so you can access them any time you want.