When you long-press on a Live Photo in the Photos app or iMessage, iOS plays the three-second video clip. With iOS 11, Apple added Live Effects that let you apply effects like long exposure, loop, and bounce to Live Photos. To covert a Live Photo into a Long Exposure Photo on iPhone, follow these steps: ..

Steps to Covert Live Photo into a Long Exposure Photo on iPhone

  1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the live photo you want to convert.
  3. On the pop-up menu, tap Convert to Photo.
  4. If you want to keep the live photo’s original dimensions, on the Size pop-up menu, choose Keep Original Size. Otherwise, choose one of the other options:
  5. If you want to add a text overlay to your photo, on the Overlay pop-up menu, choose Add Text Overlay. Then type in a caption for your photo and press Enter or tap Done. Open Photos and tap the live photo you want to convert
  1. Open Photos app on your iPhone or iPad
  2. Tap live photo you want to convert
  3. On pop-up menu, tap Convert To Photo
  4. If keep original size option is chosen then size of converted image will be same as live photo
  5. If overlay option is chosen then text overlay will be added with caption and pressed enter/tapped done ..

Select “Settings.” On the “Settings” page, tap “Live.” On the “Live” page, tap the blue button that says “Start Streaming.” ..

You can long exposure a photo by taking several shots at different exposures, then combining them to create a composite. This technique is often used to create photos that are more realistic or to capture an entire scene in one shot.

Final Words

To covert a Live Photo into a long exposure photo on the iPhone, you’ll need to first create a Live Photo album on the phone. Then, you’ll need to press and hold the shutter button for 2 seconds to record a video of your Live Photo. Once the video is recorded, you’ll need to open up iMovie and select “long exposure” as the “video” type. Then, you’ll need to adjust the " Exposure" slider until your Live Photo looks like it’s in focus. Finally, you can save your long exposure photo by pressing “Save As.”