The new iPad has a much improved dictation feature that allows you to type using voice input. You can also move the cursor around and edit text using the touch function. ..

  1. Open the Dictation app on your iPhone.
  2. Type a sentence or paragraph into the text field and press the “dictate” button.
  3. The app will automatically add punctuation to the text, with an almost uncanny precision in recognizing tones and pauses.
  4. To use dictation on an iPhone with IOS 16, you can open the Dictation app, type a sentence or paragraph into the text field, and press “dictate.”

Steps to Use Dictation on iPhone

To type a text message, hold down the left keyboard button and type the text you want to send.

To start dictating, open the keyboard and tap the microphone icon. If you don’t see this icon, enable dictation by going to Settings > General > Keyboard and turning on Enable Dictation. ..

The device listens to your voice and turns it into text as you talk. You can use keywords to insert punctuation or paragraph breaks as needed.

To stop dictating on your iOS device, tap the Done button or the keyboard icon.

The Trump administration is set to make significant changes to the Affordable Care Act, orACA, which could have a significant impact on millions of Americans. Make adjustments to the text as necessary with the keyboard.

Final Words

To dictate text on your iPhone, you will need to enable dictation and then use Siri to complete the following tasks: -Open the dictation window by pressing and holding down on the home button and selecting “Dictation.” -Type a sentence or two into the dictation window. -Press the “Start Dictation” button. -Siri will start listening for your commands. ..