Microsoft’s technology-driven business intelligence tool, Power BI, is a powerful tool that helps organizations analyze and visualize data to provide useful knowledge. Power BI has many capabilities that make it an excellent choice for decision-making, and Gartner recognized Microsoft as the Leader in its “2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform” in February 2019.

  1. To use Google Sheets data in Power BI, you first need to create a new sheet in the Power BI workspace. You can do this by clicking on the New Sheet button on the left-hand side of the main Power BI window.
  2. Once you have created a new sheet, name it something unique and enter some information about it. For example, you might name your sheet “Salesforce Sales Data.”
  3. Next, you need to add some data to your sheet. You can do this by clicking on the Add Data button on the left-hand side of the main Power BI window and then selecting one of the data sources that we mentioned earlier. For example, if you want to add sales data from Salesforce, you would select Salesforce from the list of sources that appear in the Add Data dialog box.
  4. After adding your data source, click on OK to close the dialog box and return to your sheet in the Power BI workspace. Now that you have added some data to your sheet, it is time to start analyzing it! To analyze your sales data, simply click on one of the Analyze buttons at the top of your sheet and then select one of several analysis options that are available depending on what type of analysis you want to perform: trend analysis, regression analysis, or time series analysis.

Ways to Use Google Sheets Data in Power BI

Publish your Google Sheets as a web page

Enter the data into Power BI

Clean the data

Final Words

Google Sheets is becoming increasingly popular due to its freeness and simplicity of use. The fact that the most recent version of Microsoft Edge integrates with Microsoft 365 and has a dashboard that resembles Google Drive suggests that Microsoft is feeling the effect of Google. You might need to import data from Google Sheets into Microsoft Power BI because so many people and even businesses are using Google Sheets.