To take a photo in night mode on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Camera app and set the time of day to night.
  2. Set the ISO to a low value so that there is little noise in the image.
  3. Use one of the following methods to adjust exposure:
  • Use a tripod or other stable surface to keep your iPhone in focus
  • Hold your iPhone steady until the shot is complete

Steps to Use Night Mode on iPhone

When the camera app is open, look for the moon icon in the top left corner.

If it is grayed out, it can’t be used.

If it’s yellow, the device is in night mode.

To set the exposure time manually, tap the moon icon.

To take great night shots with your iPhone, hold it as still as possible while shooting in “night mode.” The moon icon will show how long the exposure time will be for each shot, and a countdown is displayed just above the shutter button. ..

Final Words

Here are five tips for taking stunning nighttime photos on your iPhone:

  1. Use a tripod. This is still the most effective way to take long exposures and capture detailed night scenes.
  2. Shoot in RAW format. This will give you more flexibility in post-processing, and you can adjust the exposure, contrast, and brightness levels to get the perfect photo.
  3. Use a light modifier. A light modifier such as a flash or a reflector can help add extra light and make your photos look brighter and more colorful.
  4. Shoot in low light conditions. If you’re shooting in low light conditions, be sure to use a camera with good autofocus capabilities so that your photos will come out clear and without any blurry edges.
  5. Take multiple shots and choose the best one later on. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different settings until you find something that looks great! ..