Nix Package Manager is a system-wide package manager for Linux that avoids this problem by designating all files with a hash and maintaining a separate directory for each version. All dependencies are then simply linked to their relevant locations to make the program “feel at ease”.

Steps to Install Nix Package Manager on Linux

Nix is a package manager that makes installation and management of software packages easy. ..

sudo apt-get install python-pip Step 2: To use it, you need to create a new project: mkdir myproject cd myproject python3 build

nix-shell -E Step 3: Create a new Nix file called “config.nix” and enter the following content into it: [nix] type = “file” source = “/etc/nix/config”
[nix-shell] type = “command” args = “-E”

The Nix package manager has been successfully installed on your system. You can add the above line to your PATH profile to avoid running the above command every time after logging into the system. ..

Add the following line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file: export PS1="(\u@\h \w) $PS1" This will set your prompt to show the current username and hostname. ..

Step 5: Add a closing 📝 Step 6: Save and publish the article.

Save and close the file. Reboot your system.

Final Words

Traditional package managers, such as apt and Pacman, have several flaws that make them problematic for use in contexts that require extremely stable systems, such as servers. For example, apt can be unstable and can break packages if it encounters a problem. Pacman is also unstable and can break packages if it encounters a problem. Nix is a package manager that is much more stable and reliable than either apt or Pacman. Nix has been designed specifically for servers and provides an extremely easy-to-use interface that makes it possible to manage your software installations with little effort.