Steam Deck had a crashing issue on the Windows version with Proton, which is being resolved with the new native Linux version. You must manually accept and select the Steam Linux runtime from the Properties -> Compatibility menu. ..

Rogue Legacy 2 is a game that takes the classic roguelike mechanics and makes them more fun. You play as a character who has a personal legacy in the game. This means that your actions define you and your family in the game. You can use your parents’ legacy to increase your family’s fortune, or use it to help your children in their fight for survival. Each child is unique, so you have to be careful what you do because it could mean the difference between success and failure.

Your daughter can become a ranger in the new rogue-like game, Rogue Legacy 2. She can choose to be vegan, and it’s a new experience every time she plays. You also have the option to play the game however you want, deep, fast or slowly. ..

I’m a fan of Metroidvania games, and I really enjoyed playing Super IBS. The farting and high jumps were both fun, and the game was overall smooth on my desktop Linux and Steam Deck. However, there was one issue that I ran into - the camera panning up when you move the controller. Other than that, it’s been very stable on both platforms.

Dead Cells is a challenging game that will test your skills. If you like games with challenges, you will love Dead Cells. ..

Fedora desktops run smoothly at maximum settings on Steam Deck, as expected. However, on his monitor, the game runs at a lower speed than on mine. This is likely because his monitor runs at a higher refresh rate than mine. If you want to experience the best possible gaming experience with Fedora, keep it set to 40Hz on your monitor.