The Samsung USB 3.1 BAR Plus flash drive is designed to take a beating. This flash drive can also withstand being dropped into water. Plus, it can be slipped around in a bag or backpack. It can also protect itself when put through an X-ray machine. It is also magnet-proof and temperature resistant. More importantly, this Samsung USB 3.1 BAR Plus flash drive has a key ring that makes it hard to lose.

The Samsung BAR Plus outperforms the SanDisk Extreme Pro in terms of sequential read and write speeds. The original read and write numbers for the SanDisk Extreme Pro were 47.61 MB/s and 43.75 MB/s, respectively, while the Samsung BAR Plus achieved 283.48 MB/s and 61.84 MB/s. Compared to the Samsung BAR 3.0, there is a big improvement when using 3.1 with the original read and write numbers of 47.61 MB/s and 43.75 MB/s ..

Samsung BAR Plus 3.1 vs SanDisk Ultra Plus: -The Samsung BAR Plus 3.1 has a read and write speed of 269.31 MB/s and 56.01 MB/s, while the SanDisk Ultra Plus has 321.92 MB/s read and 187.19 MB/s write. -However, the Samsung BAR 3.0 only has 32.94 MB/s read and 15.93 MB/s write at 4K Random speeds which is a big improvement over the previous version with 965.23 IOPS for reading and 22.07 IOPS for writing -This shows that there is a big improvement over the previous version with faster read and write speeds ..